Saturday, November 29, 2014

This is 40!

I was thrilled for each of my friends who turned 40 before me and was looking forward to my big day. But truthfully, I had NO idea how I was going to feel, think and react when I turned 40 on October 8, 2014. Though I usually take a day off for my birthday, I ended up going into work (not to mention picking up my own cake!). As it turned out, I felt great and I had a lovely day celebrating with the most important people in my life. Here's a video from that evening.

P.S. My mom forgot my birthday! Of all the ones to forget...! (In her defense she is always running around taking care of the girls, picking them up, dropping them off, taking them here, there, everywhere!) I am so grateful for my mom. I would not have this life without her.

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