Tuesday, October 16, 2012

My Reader!

This morning at drop-off, Mrs. Lavey whispered in Lauren's ear, "Did you tell mommy...?"  And I thought it had something to do with her tooth but then Lauren acted all shy and I knew there was something more to it.  Mrs. Lavey told me that Lauren moved up two reading levels in an incredibly short period of time!  She is now at Level D, which Mrs. Lavey informed me is the benchmark for Kindergarten students at the END of the year.  Now mind you, this is all new to me and I know nothing about reading levels but you bet I'll be researching this very topic tonight!

Lauren enjoying a book w/ her dad at five months.

And at 13 months.
Though I am so proud (I called Tae and my mom to break the news right away), I am not entirely surprised.  Lauren always had her nose buried in a book since she was an infant.  She would be happier going to a book store than a toy store.  I am so thrilled she is thriving and enjoying school.  We're so proud of you Lauren! 

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