After the usual speech from Mrs. Elizabeth Lyons, Head of Lower School and Assistant Headmaster, about the school's philosophy, curriculum, investment in staff development, etc., parents went to their children's respective classrooms. I went to Lauren's since I was already familiar with the Nursery curriculum.
Lauren's Kindergarten teacher is Mrs. Bianca Lavey. She is actually filling in for a K teacher who is out on maternity this year. Well, it turns out that we LUCKED OUT big time with Mrs. Lavey. I hope she somehow figures out a way to stay at Buckley and be E's K teacher. That's how much I love her. (Yes, it's only Day 10 of K and I can already make that statement.) Mrs. Lavey went through the K curriculum in great detail. Her passion for teaching and connecting with each child individually was apparent. With only 12 children in her class, Mrs. Lavey shared how easy it was to hold "conferences" with each child and communicate in real-time the areas the child needed to develop. I love the fact that she spent the past four years at Teacher's College at Columbia University as a Staff Developer, teaching teachers how they should teach reading and writing!
After tonight, it reinforced the decision to send the girls to Buckley. I am so pleased. :-) Here is how Lauren spends her day at Kindergarten from 8:25 AM to 3:00 PM (2:00 PM on Fridays):
8:25 Morning Meeting
8:40 Shared Reading and Interactive Writing
9:00 Reading Workshop
9:45 Read Aloud
10:00 Specials (Spanish, science, music, PE, etc.)
10:30 Snack
10:45 Writing Workshop
11:30 Specials
12:00 Math Workshop
12:45 Lunch
1:15 Recess
1:45 Rest/Story Time
1:55 Word Study
2:10 Choice Time Workshop
2:50 Pack Up
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